Will you like to be able to choose a field that interests you, but you also want to find lucrative opportunities that will last for many years or decades? Do want to make a difference in the future? so choose a job that is in high demand right now and will be for many years to come.

Top 10 Best Jobs For The Future

1. Registered Nurses and Medical Professionals

Medical care will continue to be needed by people. While technology is constantly improving, nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals will still be required.

There are many options available for students, depending on what field they choose and the medical profession that they wish to pursue. If you are passionate about interacting with patients and wish to be a registered nurse (RN), you will need an associate degree, a bachelor of science in nursing, or another accredited diploma from one of the nursing programs. A medical degree in your field of choice is required if you want to become a physician.

Students interested in a career in medicine may also be eligible to receive student loan forgiveness. This is part of the FELS Program (Forgivable Educational Loans for Service), which allows students to have some or all of their student loans forgiven if they work in North Carolina-eligible professions.

A wide variety of medical, allied, and nursing programs are examples of FELS-eligible professions. Make sure you check to see if your program qualifies for student loan forgiveness.

2. Data analysts

Data analytics is one area that has seen a positive boom in the past decade. Big data is not just a buzzword. It’s also a rapidly growing field that offers lucrative opportunities for college students. There are strong projections for computer and information research scientist careers (which include data analysts).

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the projected growth rate of jobs in this field is 16 percent. This is three times higher than the national average growth rate for jobs which is only five per cent.  you are looking to get into this industry, it is a good idea to have a master’s in computer science or a related field.

People who want to shatter glass ceilings and break down walls in an industry that is traditionally male-dominated are also interested in data science.

Forbes reported that only 26 percent (26%) of data science jobs in the United States are held by women. Many programs can help change this. Girls Who Code, one such program, offers clubs and immersion programs to girls in third through sixth grade. This program teaches girls about computer science and how to get into it.

3. Plumbers and electricians

Some of the most promising careers in the future do not require a four-year undergraduate degree. America has many skilled jobs that are in desperate need of workers. These skilled jobs, such as technicians and plumbers, are in high demand and offer promising career opportunities.

The best thing about skilled labour jobs is the speed at which you can enter the workforce. These positions often require a high school diploma and sometimes an associate degree in the same field. However, they don’t always require graduation from four-year universities. If you are looking for a job that allows you to use your hands in a highly-demanding field, such as plumbing, electricians, or other skilled trades, then this is the right career path.

4. Dentists and Dental Hygienists

Dental hygienists like other medical care people still need the dentist no matter what the economy is doing. Baby boomers will need more dental care as they age. The same is true for the health-conscious millennial generation.

To start a career in dentistry, students will need to earn an associate’s degree in dental hygiene. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be an 11 percent increase in demand for this vital field over the next ten years.

A bachelor’s degree is required to become a dentist. You will need to then complete a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), or Doctor of Medicine In Dentistry (DMD) to pursue a career.

The median salary for dentists is $74,820, while that of a dental assistant is $156,240.

5. Software Developers

Unless you have lived under a rock or in a cave without wi-fi for 20 years, then you know how important software is to our daily lives. Software developers are to be commended for everything, whether it’s your favourite social network or the new app that you cannot stop using.

Software developers are vital to our modern world. It is hard to overstate their importance. Software developers are responsible for almost everything that you see on your computer or phone.

Software developers are responsible for everything, from utility apps that allow you to type reports to programs that track your schedule and track down your favourite video games, Developers are responsible for more than just building programs. They also maintain the software’s stability and provide updates. Developers are highly sought after, it’s not surprising!

Software developers are one of the most popular occupations right now. U.S. News and World Report named it the number one job in 2020, as well as number 1 in STEM and technology.

A bachelor’s degree in computer sciences or a related field is required to pursue this career. Many companies will also consider an advanced degree. To help you build a foundation in computer science, you might also consider programs such as Girls Who Code.

6. Cybersecurity experts

As the world becomes more digital, so has cybersecurity. Data breaches can expose customers’ and companies’ private information. The average cost of a data breach costs $3.92 million, according to IBM. It’s not surprising that companies will pay a lot to have their data protected.

Cybersecurity experts earn an average salary of $80,000, while IT Security Consultants can make six figures. Other positions like security directors can have a median salary of $65,000. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or engineering is the best way to get started in cybersecurity.

7. Alternative Energy Installers and Technicians

Solar panel worker Alternative and renewable energy have vast potential, whether it’s by expanding the use of wind energy, and solar power, or creating new electric cars.

Alternative energy jobs offer a wide range of career options. This is one of the best things about the field. You can find a job in any field, including engineering, installation, and alternative energy research.

Wind turbine technician is America’s fastest-growing occupation. Employment is expected to increase by 108 percent between 2024 and 2024. You will likely need to complete a 2-year program at a technical school along with a high school diploma for this job.

8. Mental Health Professionals

At a time when many people are more dependent on mental health professionals, the stigma surrounding seeking help is decreasing. You can’t automate the profession and it’s hard to find someone who will listen. Between 2018 and 2028, there is a 22 percent growth rate in the field.

Insurance companies and society are increasingly recognizing the importance of mental well-being. This means there will be an increased demand for mental health professionals.

Psychologists, counsellors, and social workers are all included. As with many medical professionals, mental health professionals might also be eligible for student loan forgiveness via FELS. Make sure you check if your program is eligible to save on student loans.

To become a licensed psychotherapist, you will need a minimum of a master’s in clinical psychology or social work.

9. Veterinarians

A career as a veterinarian is a great choice if you are compassionate and enjoy working with animals.

A four-year degree in biology, chemistry, physics or another related field is required to become a veterinarian. A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), from an accredited program, is also required.

After completing your degree, you can earn a decent living as a vet. The 2018 median salary for vets was $93,880. And the projected growth rate over the next ten years is 18%, which is more than three times the national average.

10. Artificial Intelligence

Instead of worrying about robots taking your job, how about you being the one who designed the robot? Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field that offers many occupations. These include robotics engineers, natural language processing specialists, and artificial intelligence researchers.

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field that’s exciting and new. There’s plenty of potential for advancement in this industry. It can also be a highly lucrative career.

According to the New York Times, top researchers in big companies have salaries that reach six figures. A bachelor’s degree is required if you are interested in AI. However, a master’s degree (in computer science) is highly recommended for those who want to move up to more senior positions.


There are many rewarding and lucrative career options available for job-seekers who are determined. The following list contains the top 10 most sought-after jobs for the next decade. We hope you find it helpful.

Categories: Jobs


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