How To Immigrate To Australia Without A Job Offer In 2024

This blog post is for people who want to move to Australia from other parts of the globe and do not have a job. We have everything you need before you migrate to Australia if you don’t have a job offer for the year 2024/2023.

-Australia State Sponsor Visa Sub-Class 190

-Skilled Independent Visa for Australia

-Visa to Family Sponsorship

-Subclass 190 of the Nominated Visa Subclass

Subclass 190 of Sponsored/Nominated Visa subclass 19 requires the nominee from Australia to be eligible for an Australian PR Visa. The candidate must select the occupation he will be working in. The Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List and the candidate’s skills must be compatible with those in eligible skilled occupations in that region of Australia

Without having to accept a job, you can apply for a Sponsored or Nominated visa

-Refer to the CSOL (Consolidated –Sponsored Job List) to find an occupation that matches your abilities.

submit the Australian Immigration Authority an Expression of Interest (EOI).

After you are invited to apply, send your application and the required documents.

Score at least 6 on IELTS language exam

Score at least 60 points in the points test

-You will be selected based on your age (under 45), language skills, and adaptability.

Additional police and health clearance certificates are required to support your eligibility for immigration.

Check your eligibility to find out if it is possible for you to be eligible.

Processing time for sponsored/ Nominated visa program

Processing applications takes approximately 7 to 13 months. If you properly file your application, you can avoid delays by supplying all required documents.

Subclass 189 – Skill-Independent Visa Subclass

Skill Independent Visa Subclass189 does not require any job offer, sponsorship, or nomination from any Australian territory. Your credentials are evaluated, including education, work experience, language proficiency, and age. These credentials are scored, and the candidate is then nominated according to them.

Skill-Independent Visa Subclass189 is available without the need for a job offer

Candidate must score at least a minimum 6 on the IELTS Language Test

-A valid authority, e.g. ECA and language

Learn about the SOL-listed occupations and then choose one.

Send an Expression of Interest (EOI), in skill-select, to request your immigration expression of interest.

-It is crucial that you submit your application within 60 days after you have been invited to apply by the immigration authority.

Skill Independent Visa Subclass 189 Processing Time

It takes between 4-7 months to complete the immigration process. Each application will have a different processing time. Applying the correct documents and following the steps can help reduce the processing time.

Family Sponsorship, as well as other immigration programs, are not required to offer a job.

People who have a family member who is a permanent resident in Australia can apply for the Family Sponsorship Program. Family sponsorship is an option for people who have a spouse or legal partner. It is simple and straightforward.

Australia PR Immigration Process From India

PR Australia’s immigration process relies on points. This is how it works:

You can verify your eligibility to the best program offered in Australia by contacting Australian immigration. To create a profile, gather all necessary documents.

-Send Skillset your profile as an Express of Interest. This online system evaluates profiles for permanent residents of Australia.

After each application profile has been evaluated, points are awarded to it. A candidate must earn at least 60 points to be eligible for a PR Card.

Nominated candidates will be sent an invitation receipt. The invitation receipt will be sent to the nominee. Once the receipt is received, the candidate can submit the application for a permanent residence card to Australian immigration within 60 days.


Can I relocate to Australia without a job?

Yes, it is possible to move to Australia without having a job offer.

Moving to Australia as a worker will earn you bonus points and increase your profile score. You will also be able to earn more points through Australia’s point-based immigration program. This increases your chances of getting a PR Visa.

Even if you don’t have a job offer, you can still travel to Australia. The Australian government offers a range of visa options that allow you to migrate to Australia.

Australia offers many immigration options for highly-qualified, well-educated people who are able to contribute to Australia’s economy. Australia needs skilled workers to help it grow.

Skill Select, is an Australian program that helps people who are interested in moving to Australia, but do not have a job. This program allows you to apply for work in Australia. This program will also help you prove your skills and certifications to work in Australia.

Your information will be made available to both businesses and state and territory governments through this initiative. Then, they will be able to nominate you. Skill Select allows you to submit an Expression Of Interest to notify the government about your desire to work in Australia.

Is it possible to move to Australia using the easiest route?

1-Employer-Sponsored Visa

The Employer Sponsored Visa is the most popular kind of visa in Australia.

Employers can use this visa to hire skilled workers from all over the world. 

A job offer from a firm may be the most practical and straightforward way to get to Australia.

If you work hard and persevere, you can still have a chance to stay in Australia. After two years, you may apply to live in Australia if you have not made any changes to your work in Australia. You can easily move to Australia if you are interested in high-level jobs that require experience and skill.

Those with permanent visa possibilities, like the subclass 186 sponsored by an employer, may be offered some high-end professions that call for expertise and skill.

2-Skilled Visa

There are numerous ways to enable people to travel. The general skilled migration program is one option.

Anyone between the ages of 18 and 50 may remain in Australia while they are employed thanks to this scheme.

 This program requires that you can speak English. You can find many jobs by using efficient business listings and other methods. These visa options are available to skilled Visa Australia applicants:

Subclass 189 Skilled Individual Visa

Subclass 19 Skilled Nominated Visa

Skilled Regional Visa Subclass 887

Visa for skilled-recognized graduate 476

3-Medical Visa

Holders of temporary Australian visas are permitted to go to Australia for medical care or consultations.

This visa allows applicants to travel to Australia for one or more occasions, depending on their situation. 

A person who provides financial help for someone in need of medical care may apply for this visa.

4-Visa for Working Holiday Visa

Although it is not a long-term fix, anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 can do it.

This visa allows you to visit Australia and work there. Employers cannot permit you to stay in Australia for more than six months. This visa is not for everyone. The visa options can be found under Work Holiday Visa.

Working Holiday Visa Subclass 417

Working Holiday Visa 462

5-Business Visa

If you have the funds, the Business Visa option as well as the sub-class below are available. Australia has many business opportunities.  

Australia can be the ideal location for you to launch a firm or join an established team of businessmen if your capital is less than AUD $1,000,000.

Co-operators and founders who have raised or received AUD 1,000,000 from Australian venture capital firms are also eligible for this route.

6-Retirement for investors

You may apply for a retirement visa if you are older than 55 and do not have any dependents.

 While you will not be granted a permanent visa, you can apply for a four-year visa. You might have to reapply as long as all requirements are met. The Investor Retirement Visa requires you to be able to make substantial financial investments in Australia for the long term.

7-Student Visa

Many people believe that life is continuous education. Formal education is valued by many people. 

For permanent residence, many people choose this student visa path.

This will help to shape and improve Australia’s acculturation over many years of study. The Australian government recognizes pupils who attend schools within its boundaries but views petitions for visas from those who have left the country as unfair.

Explore the different visa options for students.

-Student Visa 500

-Training Visa Subclass 407

8-Partner/family visa

Either an Australian spouse (husband/partner) or a relative must apply to be eligible for a Family Visa.

 A spouse, a parent, or a romantic partner can nominate you for an Australian visa.

These are just a few of the many options available to people who want to come to Australia. Each age group has at least two options. Contact Registered Migration Agent Perth for more information about which option is right for you and how to get it.

How much money is required to move to Australia?

You must have assets of more than $500,000 and a minimum income of $65,000 to be eligible. This could include a pension. For younger immigrants who want to move to Australia, Skilled Migration Visas can be obtained. 

With this visa, they are able to live and work in Australia.

Can I obtain a work visa without having to accept a job?

You cannot apply for a visa to the US without an employment offer. To petition for a visa and permit, your potential employer must sponsor.

What is the maximum age to move to Australia?

Must be between 18 and 55 years old. If applicants are 55 years old or older, they may still be eligible.

Is there a way to get your PR in Australia by 2024?

1 – Check your eligibility

First, determine the occupation you belong to according to the Australian Immigration definition. Next, identify the occupation. You have many options to obtain each visa. It is crucial that you clearly identify the occupation for which you are applying.

If your occupation is not on the visa lists, you cannot apply for a General Skilled Migration Visa.

It may seem complex, and it can be. We recommend you consult an attorney. An experienced and registered Migration Agent Bravo Migration can help you. Only professionals who have handled more than 7000 cases are qualified to spot legal nuances and recommend the best visa route or migration route.

2: Skills Assessment

The second step to getting the PR in Australia is to find out if you can obtain a positive Skills Assessment. This is your “career validation” and recognition with the organization that evaluates your occupation.

Each occupation has its own Skills Assessment Authority. Let’s take, for instance:

Engineers – Engineers Australia

Australian Computer Society (ACS) – IT professionals

Nurses – Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council

Marketing professionals – VETASSESS

Other options

Each Authority will have its own criteria for approbating your skills assessment. These requirements include work experience, qualifications, as well as a level of English. It is important that you are familiar with the Skills Assessment Authority for the occupation before you apply for visas.


Test 3 Points

These three Skilled Migration Visas (189-193 and 491) are all points-tested visas. To receive points in each category, you will need to meet specific criteria. This allows the Department of Home Affairs to determine who has the skills and attributes needed to make a selection.

To be eligible to submit an Expression of Interest for one of these visas, 65 points are required. These are the categories where points are awarded:

Age: Minimum 0-30 years, maximum 45-45 years.

Academic Qualifications: Depending on whether an individual holds a technical certificate/diploma, a Bachelor/Master’s degree, or a Ph.D., academic qualifications can range from 0 to 20.

Work Experience: Depending on the number of years worked in the job eligible for migration, and whether it was in Australia, the points can range from 0 to 20.

English Proficiency To be eligible for points, candidates must pass an English exam. Points are determined by the score on the English exam.

Study in Australia: 5 points for those who have studied in Australia for at least 2 years and hold a Diploma/Trade Certificate.

Study in low-population areas of Australia: If you’re from one of the Designated Region Areas of Australia, as defined by Government, you will receive 5-10 points to study in Australia

Accreditation as a Translator of another Language in Australia: 5 points

Skilled Spouse: 5-10 points for spouses who have a professional occupation or a minimum level of English. You can show this in many ways

Single applicants – You will get 10 points to prevent being disqualified

Five Points for the Professional Year

Nomination/Sponsorship from an Australian State: 5 or 15 points, depending on the candidate’s profession, if a state or territory is seeking that profession, and if it is being sought for a temporary or permanent visa.


4 – English Test

Anyone applying for a PR visa to Australia must show proof of English proficiency. This is six points for each component. This can be done by taking an English exam. Australians are eligible to apply for IELTS, TOEFL, and Cambridge. If you are from Canada, the USA, Ireland, New Zealand, or Canada, you don’t need to take a test.

SkillSelect might require that you have 65 or more points to be invited. You can improve your English score by taking seven IELTS components. You’ll get 20 points for a total score of 8


5 Expressions of Interest

If you aren’t eligible, you can’t apply to Australia for visas. You must be invited by the Government to apply for a visa in Australia, regardless of whether you are applying for an Independent 189 Visa, Regional 190 or a 491 Visa. This includes all states and territories.

SkillSelect lets you submit an Expression Of Interest. This system automatically selects candidates based on their points score. You may need to score 65 or higher if you want a visa for 189. There is intense competition.


6: Applying for a Visa

SkillSelect has invited you to apply for a permanent visa. Now it is time to file a visa application. This is the time for you to prove all the information that you claimed during the Expression of Interest or points testing stages.

A registered migration agent is the best way for you to migrate to Australia. Bravo Migration is happy to assist you in this endeavor. Bravo Migration has processed over 7,000 visa applications in its nearly 14-year history.



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