Choosing a career path can be overwhelming, making anyone ask questions before making a choice. You might be considering taking up office equipment/ supplies as a career path and if you want to know if office equipment/ supplies is a good career path, then this article is a must-read for you.

In this article, we will answer the question; is Office Equipment supply services a good career path? Why you should consider a career in Office Equipment/ supplies, and the Qualification involved.

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Before we answer the above question, let us understand what office Equipment/ supply is.

What are Office Equipment and supplies?

An office is a space where officially related businesses and duties are performed with the aid of equipment and supplies such as desks, computers, pens and writing books, holders, keys, files, chairs, shelves, etc. These equipment and supplies are valuable necessities in any office as they all combine Fastrack duties of office staff.

Why you should Choose a Career in Office Equipment and Supplies.

Offices cannot run efficiently with office equipment and supplies, office equipment is a necessity, and tapping into the field with your expertise will be worth it. A career in office equipment and supplies will keep the existence of offices which in a real sense cannot cease to exist because most business tasks are handled in offices and this equipment will always be in use. 

Office equipment and supplies producers, providers, handlers, and installers will always be in everyday business activities. In this age where the business industry is booming and integrated into economic activities, the use and application of office equipment and supplies will continue to boom.

Although there is an argument that digital space is taking over the office space, some technologies and tools now need high-tech installation, repairs, and handling that needs expert office equipment and supplies to fill the vacuum. Even if there is no office space, any location where work is carried out needs equipment such as tables, chairs, computer desks, pens, holders, lights, etc.

Handling the non Automated equipment and supplies is difficult for a nonexpert as such will need an expert to handle the equipment and supplies will always be needed for any task.

The office equipment and supply services field is a career you should choose because of the existence of offices both home offices and outside and the necessity of the equipment and supplies.

Is Office Equipment Supply Services a good Career Path?

Undoubtedly, we can say yes have considered its invaluable contribution to an office.  Any business organization will continuously add office equipment services to a top list of necessities since duties cannot run smoothly without equipment and supplies. 

The career choices in office equipment and supply services involve both professional and non-professional services. Equipment such as computers, printers, air conditioners, lighting, sockets, etc needs a professional to handle, fix, install, and arrange while supplies such as pens, papers, staplers, and pins, do not professional handling but they need to be supplied and handled by administrative staff. In this regard, you can choose to render professional office equipment services or nonprofessional services.

The office equipment and supply service field are lucrative depending on the duties involved and as such is a good career path.

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Office Equipment and Supplies

 To help you make an informed decision, in choosing an area of specialization in office equipment and supplies, we have compiled a list of ten high-paying jobs in office equipment and supply below:

Manufacturing Expert And engineer

A manufacturer and engineer who produce office equipment is an expert in the field. He produces and assembles high-tech equipment such as computers, air conditioners, flash drives, etc used in an office and also nontech producers of supplies such as staplers, pens, and books. These manufacturers are professionals and are important persons in the world.  They are highly paid and are among the richest people in the world.

You can become a manufacturer and earn massively in the industry.

Administrative Staff

The administrative staff is the staff that works with equipment and supplies in an organization in an office. They carry out their duties effectively and smoothly handle the equipment and supplies.

The administrators are well paid in an organization that is in charge of purchasing and keeping track of available equipment and supplies in an organization and they are rewarded massively for their duties. The purchasing staff places orders and receives the equipment when they arrive and notifies all departments of the availability of the Equipment and supplies.

The job of the purchasing manager is dependent on the nature of the organization and its size. A purchasing manager understands the equipment and supply need and ensures it is available.

The pay is rewarding.

Equipment installation Expert

 Installation of office equipment is the job of an expert. The installation expert is needed when there is a piece of new equipment in the office in need of installation. This job is technical and cannot be done without practical knowledge of equipment. The installer works on contract bases and is paid well for their services.

Equipment and supplies maintenance officer

Organizations with various equipment and supplies that are large have maintenance units in the administrative department for the maintenance and repairs of equipment and supplies.  The equipment maintenance officers carry out routine maintenance of equipment and supplies and carry out the major repairs in the organization.

The equipment and repair officer can also carry out his duty in various organizations on a contract basis.

Equipment Selling and middleman

You can also start selling equipment and supplies to organizations and private business owners and be a middleman to the users and the manufacturers. The seller import or buy directly from local manufacturers, wholesale stores, or owns a wholesale store of equipment and supplies. 

The business of equipment and supplies is profitable.  Its profit is determined by the size of the shop, the sales volume, marketing, location, and capital. If located in a sales environment with patronage, it is one of the high-paying jobs in office equipment and supplies services.

Sales Representative and marketers.

A sales expert in the equipment and suppliers services field is in charge of persuading customers to buy office equipment, attending to buyers, and recording sales of office equipment and suppliers. 

The sales representative will adopt and apply various marketing strategies and tactics to get potential customers and sell office equipment. 

The sales representative is either paid on a commission basis or based on salary.

Managers and Stockers

The supplier’s stockers are in charge of arranging and placing suppliers in their spaces and shelves to maintain orderliness, maintain the warehouse and ensure that all supplies are safe and secure.

They are accountable for all supplies in the warehouse and notify the purchasing unit if suppliers are in low stock. They also issue suppliers to various offices when there is a request 

The warehouse managers and stockers are a very relevant unit of various business organizations and are well paid.

Equipment Auditors and Accountants

The equipment auditors and accountants track and calculate the amount spent on purchasing equipment and audit the amount by the purchasing unit to avoid fraudulent transactions, overspending, and exceeding budgets.

They are also professionals in the field and are paid well.

Equipment Insurance

The insurance insures all equipment in the organization in case of unexpected accidents and damage. The insurance also assures the life of equipment operators, especially heavy-duty equipment.

This is a lucrative job in the Equipment and suppliers services field.


Programmers are high-tech experts that work on computer programs. They are highly paid in the tech industry and are for the functions of programs in computers needed in an office.

Qualifications Needed for a Career in Office Equipment and Supplies.

The office equipment and supplies career require both professional skills which require specific degrees and nonprofessional skills which may only require training and apprenticeship with no certificates.

Below are the qualifications required for a career in office equipment.

  • Bachelor’s degree in  Business Administration 
  •  Bachelor’s degree in Electronics engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and equivalent
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science and equivalent
  • Bachelor’s degree in programming and installation and equivalent
  • Bachelor’s degree in insurance or equivalent
  • Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy or equivalent


This article is a masterpiece for you if you are seeking a career in office equipment and suppliers because all topics and questions on office equipment and suppliers have been answered.

No doubt, office equipment, and supply services are good career paths that anyone should choose.  If you have read this article, you will not be overwhelmed when choosing a job in office equipment and supplies.

If you cannot afford a professional qualification in office equipment and supply, you can also choose skills that do not require any professional qualification in the office equipment field.

We hope this article will help you make a good decision on a career path in equipment and supply services.

These articles are subjected to further updates.

Categories: Jobs

1 Comment

Laima · 17 January 2024 at 23:21

Got my desk, computer, pens, and files – the whole shebang. Ready for some Fastrack office duties!

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